
Modena Viaemili@docfest – contest/Europe

The 15th edition of the Online Documentary Film Festival Modena ViaEmili@DocFest will be held online from 14 October to 13 November 2024. 

The festival is promoted by the organisations Arci Modena Comitato Provinciale APS and UCCA, the Region of Emilia-Romagna and the city of Modena, along with the contribution of the foundation Fondazione di Modena.



Art. 1 – Submission

The Festival is dedicated to all the Italian and European educational establishments (such as film schools, post-graduate degrees, courses, workshops…) that deal with the Cinema of Reality. 

Submission is open to any Italian or European documentary, completed after 1 January 2022, with a minimum running time of 10 minutes.


Art. 2 – Enrolment and Deadlines

In order to participate in the Festival, you should:

  • fill in the online entry form by 6  October 2024.
    The form can be found at this link: https://www.modenaviaemiliadocfest.it/subscription-scheda-iscrizioni/
  • send an email to info@modenaviaemiliadocfest.it (you must include the title of the short film and the director’s name as the subject line of your email) together with the following attachments:
    – 1 photo of the author and 3 film stills from the short 

– the completed consent form for the embedding online in case of selection and for the screening at the cinema in case of prize giving
– link to download the film to participate at the prize


Art. 3 – Selection of the material

All the submitted works will be selected at the sole discretion of the Selection Committee by 14 October 2024. Selected works will be announced on the website: www.modenaviaemiliadocfest.it


Art. 4 – Consent form

4.1 Each production company, or individual producer, of a selected film, must fill in and sign a consent form stating that: they possess the employment rights on the documentary submitted and allow its free-viewing on the portal www.modenaviaemiliadocfest.it not only for the voting period but also including any other use of the work involving the festival (i.e., potential screening at the Astra Cinema in Modena if they win one of the Modena ViaEmili@DocFest prizes).


4.2 For those who want to allow the documentary to be available online even after the festival period, they can specify it in the consent form by ticking the relevant box. The online publication of the documentary, or otherwise, its employment and use within the Festival do not entitle the production company or individual producer to any compensation.


4.3 The consent form, which can be found at the bottom of this page, must be signed and sent via email by 6 October 2024, together with the scan of a valid identification document of the declaring subject.


Art. 5 – Online publication

From October 14  to November 13 2023, the selected works will be fully available to watch online at www.modenaviaemiliadocfest.it. Registered users will be able to vote until midnight on November 13 2024.


Art. 6 – How users can vote

In order to vote, users will need to sign up at www.modenaviaemiliadocfest.it indicating their full name and email address. The registration will allow the users to vote for only one film and they will not be able to chance their choice afterwards.


Art. 7 – Awards

– The selected works from the Modena ViaEmili@DocFest will be judged by a qualified jury who will nominate the winner, awarding the film with the “Modena ViaEmili@DocFest Jury Prize 2024” and to the director a sum of money corresponding to €1.000,00.


– The highest-rated film on the portal www.modenaviaemiliadocfest.it will be awarded the “Web Audience Award 2024” and the director will win a cash prize of €400,00.


– The “D.E-R Prize”, named after the association which grants it, will be awarded to the best documentary nominated by a jury of young local students.


The award ceremony will take place on November 16, in Modena. In addition, board and lodging will be granted to one person on behalf of the Jury Prize and the Web Audience Award.


Art. 8 – Credits

The title of the prize received at the Modena ViaEmili@DocFest can be mentioned in the closing credits of the documentary, with the following wording:


Winner of the Modena ViaEmili@DocFest 2024  – Web Audience Award if the documentary receives the Web Audience Award


Winner of theModena ViaEmili@DocFest 2024 – Jury Prize if the documentary receives the Jury Prize


Winner of the Modena ViaEmili@DocFest 2024 – D.E-R Prize if the documentary receives the D.E.-R Prize


Art. 9 – Hold harmless clause

By submitting the documentary to the Festival, the individual producer dismisses Modena ViaEmili@DocFest and all organisers from any responsibility related to the use of the documentary. Additionally, they also attest their own right to proceed with the registration and to grant the requirements for the participation of the documentary in the Festival itself.


Article 10 – Potential disputes

Any dispute between the participants and the Modena ViaEmili@DocFest will be of exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Modena.


Art. 11 – Other

11.1 The judgement of the pre-selection committee, the users and the jury are unquestionable.


11.2 The participation in the Festival and, in any case, the submission of materials imply full acceptance of these rules.


11.3 For further information please contact the email address: info@modenaviaemiliadocfest.it